Finding A New Destination
Hey, how's your life? Amazing, right? Starting from this writing, I intend to share one of the most memorable activities that I had experienced in my life. It was around two weeks ago. Although such a late post, I hope the moment still can give many benefits for our future. First, I ought to express my gratitude for all of the chances that Allah has given to me. I never imagine how He could grant my dream in a very wonderful way Starting in 2019, Alhamdulillah, I've been becoming "a free student". It means that I'm not taking any responsibility for other academic activities such as my organization and my recent part-time office. Now, my big duty is just focusing my research on the thesis (re : skripsi) . You know, I feel that being a final year student too boring so, I thought to do another activity. And yes... Allah showed the way. In March 2019, my faculty (specifically my major) offered many exchange programs for the students. The programs were diff...