The meaning of being adult

"Hey... How's life" is the first line I asked when meeting with everybody I care about, including her, my old ambitious squad in junior high school. It's already 6 years since the last time we met. We were closed enough until we walked in a different educational path after graduating from JHS. She is intelligent, independent, and friendly. That combination plays an essential part in modeling her as a perfect career woman. Most women like her will consider entering senior high school and then continuing their bachelor's education in university. However, she decided to challenge herself by continuing vocational study in petroleum major that took 4 years to finish. For me, it was the most adventurous decision-making ever as a woman with a high IQ like her. 

Years passed, I got the fact that she was accepted into the tax education diploma program in the Indonesian financial department ministry college (STAN)... Oh God... she is fantastic. As a buddy, I'm also a big fan of her. I totally admire how she could decide on substantial options without feeling terrified of anything. She has no worry to out of her comfort zones. 

Now she lives in Jakarta, the capital city, and works as a civil servant. I'm so grateful that yesterday she came to my home after years only could see her on-screen. We had an insightful conversation for hours. We talked about our studies, career, parents, classmates, love stories, the ups-downs of life, also... hmmm... future. During the conversation, I much enjoyed it. I was amazed by her thoughts. Until we came to the point that I felt deep down in my heart had noticed that she seemed not really enjoying her life. I wondered, "What had happened?". She complained about her unpleasant boss. She doubts her relationship with her boyfriend because of their differences in vision. Plus, she showed insecurity about continuing her education. Despite that problem, she keeps going on with her life. She keeps standing on and believing her choices are the best, although it brings much discomfort. 

I had no word to say after she revealed her struggle. Oh, God... we are in the same position in realizing that being an adult is not that easy. My friend and I used to make decisions that we thought it was incredible without knowing what would happen in the future. Why do I keep questioning that living as an adult is that hard?. Meanwhile, my friend just doesn't really care. I sometimes complain, blame, and angry if something doesn't work as I hope. After all, by meeting my friend, I found the meaning of being an adult. Being an adult means that we have to be ready to take all the consequences of our choices by being responsible for anything that could happen. Okay... stop blaming, complaining, and be patient Adinda... That's it...


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